Taraweeh Prayer Logistics:
- Isha Prayer: 9:00 PM
- Taraweeh Start: 9:15 PM
- Estimated End Time: 10:15 PM
Note: These times are subject to change as the timing for Ishaa becomes later throughout the month of Ramadan. For the most up to date prayer timings, please visit madisonmuslims.org/prayer-times/
- Social distancing & masks are no longer enforced.
- Prayer Space includes an upstairs section with a 60 person capacity & outdoor area if needed.
- A goal is set to complete the recitation of the Qur’an between Isha, Taraweeh, and Tahajjud Prayers.
- A short 8 minute talk will be presented daily on the highlights of the recitation at the halfway point during taraweeh prayers (at the conclusion of 4 raka’).